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[图文]姊妹剪发Sisterhood of Longhair

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姊妹剪发Sisterhood of Longhair
作者:Sisterhood 来源:Longhair 日期:2011-5-25


    It all began with a question.

   “Let me ask you something." Mary said as she twisted a lock of her long strawberry blonde hair around her pointer finger. We were sitting around the table of one of our favorite haunts finishing up our meals when she asked “Do any of you ever think about cutting all your hair off?" We all looked around the table, waiting for someone other than ourselves to answer, and in that moment you could have heard a pin drop. Little did we all know that this was the question that was going to eventually cost all of us our hair.

    My name is Tracie, and I, along with my three best friends Jennifer, Mary, and Nicole, had flat out amazing hair. The four of us have been best friends since our freshman year in high school. That was the year that all of us decided that we were going to make ourselves stand out from everyone else at the school, and we were going to do it with one thing, beautiful long hair. Ever since the end of the 90s beautiful long hair seemed to be a dying trend, and one semester into our freshman year we had all discovered that the only thing holding us back from growing our hair out long and spectacular was personal inhibition, so we all swore that as a group, we would overcome our fears and take the plunge towards a beautiful mane together.

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