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[图文]姊妹剪发Sisterhood of Longhair(11)

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“This isn’t going to be a
作者:Sisterhood 来源:Longhair 日期:2011-5-25

“This isn’t going to be a perm Nicole, you might lose all of your hair! Are you really ready for that?"

“Yeah, I think I am." but that wasn’t Nicole talking, it was Jenny talking as her hand joined the pile.

“What is wrong with you?" I asked my three friends who seemed determined to destroy their hair, and bring mine down in the process.

“Come on Tracie, we have to stick together, it’s all of us or none of us. If you don’t put your hand in, none of this is going to happen." Mary pleaded.

    I was tempted right then and there to walk out with my long hair swinging behind me and shining beautifully in defiance of this stupid bet, but there were some things keeping me glued to the table. Mary was right, we did need to stick together, especially after all we had been through together. Plus, I would definitely find a new appreciation for my hair through this crazy bet, and after all, what were the chances that this event would even happen? For all I knew we could go through our whole lives and never trigger the events that would destroy our manes.

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