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[图文]姊妹剪发Sisterhood of Longhair(6)

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But it was during one of t
作者:Sisterhood 来源:Longhair 日期:2011-5-25

    But it was during one of those dinners that one of my dearest friends proposed undoing all the work we had spent years growing. What made things stranger was that this was our weekly “Pantene" night, where we would all deep condition our hair and make sure we wore it down and loose for the day. As Mary asked this incredible question I reflexively reached up and ran my fingers through my silky long mane defensively. Since high school I had been trying to grow my hair out even longer, and while I had allowed it to creep down to the bottom of my butt I had trouble lately motivating myself to grow it longer, instead opting to trim it more often to maintain its lovely condition.

    “Mary, why?" Jenny finally responded as she cleaned her glasses with a napkin.

    “I don’t know, I’m not sure if it’s just me, but it seems like everyone here is losing that great feeling we all shared while we were growing out our hair."

    “So we’ll get it back if we shave it off and start from scratch?" Nicole asked, “I don’t think it works that way."

    “No, probably not, but I miss that feeling. I mean we never dote on each other’s hair like we used to, and even Tracie can’t stand growing her hair out anymore!"

   “That’s not true!" I lied “I’m just… taking my time so I can maintain how it looks."

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