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[图文]姊妹剪发Sisterhood of Longhair(8)

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“I… I started to protest,
作者:Sisterhood 来源:Longhair 日期:2011-5-25

“I…" I started to protest, but stopped, remembering lately the trouble I’ve been having growing out my mane. Could I really be losing my love for my hair?

“I knew it, even Tracie is losing her love!" Mary said, her argument was beginning to gain steam.

“So what, we’re just supposed to shave our heads?" Nicole asked.

“No way." I replied, “I couldn’t shave my hair, not my hair!" My love for my hair had come back full force because of this threat to my silky blanket of silvery tresses. Maybe Mary was onto something, maybe any perceived threat to our precious manes awakened a need to protect them.

“Well, I think I have a solution." Mary added, “what if the decision to keep our hair or not was taken out of our hands and we left it to fate?"

All of us fell silent, interested in what she had in mind.

“OK, we each promise to shave our heads if a certain event happens to us."

“What event?" I replied at once. This strange conversation had split me into two people, one wanting to shave my head, the other half more protective of my beautiful mane than ever. If I came out of this night with my hair intact I promised that I was going to spoil my hair like I had never spoiled it before.


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