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剪发系列Another Assignment(9)

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I should have realised the
作者:Another 来源:Assignment 时间:2011-5-31

I should have realised there and then what that meant, but I wasn't concentrating as much as I should.

While we were talking Paula had shrouded me in a gown and I had held my arms out submissively while she put it on me. She tied it around my neck; suprisingly gently. She rested her hand on my shoulder and paused for a moment.

"Right, let's get started shall we?" she said in a cheery voice. She was obviously in her element now, in creative mode, in control.

"Are you going to give me a clue?" I asked feebly.

"It'll be shorter" she said with a smile.

"How much shorter?" I asked.

"I can see that you're going to be one of those awkward ones" she said with a wry smile.

""I think it's just my instinctive self-preservation kicking in" I replied.

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