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剪发系列Another Assignment(11)

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I really had not been payi
作者:Another 来源:Assignment 时间:2011-5-31

I really had not been paying attention as without further formality, Paula had turned the clippers on and made a cut just above my collar.

"What.." I exclaimed.

She leaned in to me a little. "Think of it as jumping into a cold pool. That was the shock, but then you start to get used to it and soon you can't understand what you were afraid of" she said.

"But I thought that you would talk me through what you were going to do" I said, realising at once just how wimpy that sounded.

"We'd be here all night if I did that, wouldn't we?" she said, starting to cut again. I could sense hanks of my hair falling to the floor as she continued.

"I know, but please tell me that you won't go shorter than that" I begged.

"Shorter than this?" she asked.

"Yes" I replied.

"So you're okay with this length?" she said, trying to get me to agree in one of those dubious hard-sell confirmation sort of ways.

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