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[图文]监狱里的剪发故事The New Prison Regime

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监狱里的剪发故事The New Prison Reg
作者:Prison 来源:Regime 日期:2011-5-25


Chapter One….A New Challenge 

It was my final day of this stage of my career.  As I sat in the Governor’s office, I reflected upon the last eight years. 

I was the first female to make rank in the state police, and when Maureen McNair had been elected the first female governor of the state, she tapped me to be the head of her personal security detail.  In those eight years, I became extremely close to her, and one of her most trusted confidants.  I also secretly had the hots for her, though I never acted on it because she was marries and had a family.  I had always known Iwas a lebian, but never acted on it, and stayed firmly in the closet. 

Now, Maureen had been elected to the US senate, and the rumor was she was being considered as a Vice Presidential hopeful for the Republicans in 2012.  I had been offered a position in Washington by her, but I have an ill mother whom I have to look after.  But Maureen still took care of me.  She made sure her hand-picked successor chose me to run the soon-to-be built Women’s State Prison, and my new title would be Warden Katherine Kelly, Executive of Female Corrections.  Not bad for not quite hitting 35 yet. 

“Kathy," the Governor said on my exit interview, “I don’t know how I’ll be able to handle Washington without you. But I picked you for this new job because I think you’ll be perfect.  Just keep in mind, this is a very conservative state, and the citizens want convicted prisoners to find prison uncomfortable and no place they would ever want to return to…no “Camp Cupcake" for western state female cons.  The old prison is condemned and set to close as soon as the new one is finished….it was too small, and after all, was built in 1898.  I want you totally supervise the design and construction of the new prison, then take over when the prisoners are transported in.  The current warden, Eliza Jones, has agreed to retire then.  I know how good you are Kathy, but your appearance can be deceiving…you’re good looking and well spoken.  Show these tough convict women how tough YOU can be. You can’t beat them, but short of that, the citizens of this state want control and discipline. And remember, I went way out on a limb for you….don’t let me down!"  I assured her I wouldn’t, and hugged as her limo left for her flight to Reagan Airport. 

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