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剪发系列Another Assignment(14)

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I hope youre right. God he
作者:Another 来源:Assignment 时间:2011-5-31

"I hope you're right. God help him if he doesn't notice though!"

"Oh he's one of those is he? If he needs a hint that there's something that he should be commenting on when he next sees you, you'd be best to get yourself another one!"

"He'll notice alright, the question will be how he reacts."

As we were speaking, Paula had started work again, gathering hanks of my hair and pinning them up on top of my head. She could obviously see my quizzical look in the mirror.

" It's not sitting right, I'm just going to sort that out" she said.

As I was sitting there vaguely amused by the sight of some of my hair pinned up and some of it hanging down, I heard the hum of the clippers again.
For the first time I felt them against my head as they moved up the nape of my neck. The sensation was not unpleasant, but I wasn't sure where this fitted into a bob cut. My concern must have been obvious.

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