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剪发系列Another Assignment(12)

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By this time she had worke
作者:Another 来源:Assignment 时间:2011-5-31

By this time she had worked her way around to the front so that I could see the damage that she had wrought. My flowing hair was now just about collar length on the left hand side. The hair on the right was untouched and served to show only too well what had been only moments ago. It would be a long time before my hair was that long again.
I turned my head to the side so that I could examine it a little more closely. As I looked, Paula carried on cutting and before I could respond she had worked her way around to the other side. It was immediately obvious that the right hand side that she had just arrived at was shorter than the left-hand side that I was in the process of assessing.

"I was about to say that I could live with it if I have to" I said.

"Remember what I said, Amy. Just think of the water getting warmer."

"Looking at what you've just done I'd say that it has already go too hot for me" I said, my voice cracking a little.

"The only thing that is going to be hot will be you, missy" she said with a smile.

She started again at the left-hand side and touched the clipper head to the hair. The tress fell silently to the cape and slid down onto my lap. I looked down at it, making sure to keep my head still while Paula worked further round. She reached the back of my neck and the clippers stopped humming. She moved around to the other side, looking critically at her work. She combed through my shortened hair and stood back to appreciate it further. Her left hand swivelled my chair towards her and she crouched slightly, before looking me in the eye.

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