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长发姐妹Jeeva and Keerthi(7)

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She told that and turned b
作者:Jeeva 来源:Keerthi 时间:2011-5-31

She told that and turned back. Oh my god... my long awaited dream was coming true. Her hair was held as a pony tails below her nape with one clip above it. I asked her to sit in a chair and came to her back. I could see her hair lines very closely. It was first time for me to look a girl with long hair very closely. I just ran my fingers over her hair line. I could see that she was feeling different when a boy is touching her. I loved to touch her hair over the ears and the forehead. After that started removing her hair band. Keerthi was out of control when i removed her band. I could see the expressions on her face. I slowly moved the hair band downwards. While reaching the butt level, i just took the hair above and pulled the hair band. After that i pressed the clips in her hair and removed it softly. Now the hair is completely free. I started to comb her hair with my hands. She's feeling shy on my movements. Later i went in front of her and started running my fingers in her forehead. I started kissing her hair from forehead. I didn't even miss a single inch of her hair. I kissed her hair above her ear. Then went to her back. Took the whole hair and kissed from nape till the end. I finished it and saw keerthi. I could see that she's still in the feeling of her hair is being kissed.

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