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长发姐妹Jeeva and Keerthi(2)

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The incident happened when
作者:Jeeva 来源:Keerthi 时间:2011-5-31

The incident happened when her father met with the accident and died. She's is only daughter to her parents. It was terrific on the day he died. After that her mother got health issues and got admitted in hospital. Since, my mother and her mother were childhood friends, my mom took Keerthi to our home till her mother got discharged from hospital. That is the first day after a long time i was speaking to keerthi. She was so sad on losing her father. I was consoling her for her father. It was really hard for me to speak to her when she's holding her hair and trying to comb it while speaking. Later she went to bed. The whole night i was dreaming of combing and cutting her long black hair. We used to start together to school and my mom used to prepare lunch for us together.

After a month her mother came back from hospital. She was thanking my family for taking care of keerthi when she was on hospital. Later it become usual for us to meet often. Tough i'm six months older than her, we're doing same class. So we used to study together in my home or her home. We joined college after our school. It was our final year in college. One day she opened the talk about her long hair.

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