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[图文]里纳醉剃光头Reena Got Screwed headshaves(8)

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When I was little, you use
作者:Screwed 来源:headshaves 日期:2011-5-28

When I was little, you used to praise how beautiful it looked and how healthy and shiny it was. Here feel it again for yourself. How can you bear the thought of all this loveliness being cut off?" But her entreaties fell on deaf ears. Her father made no move to feel sympathetic. He didn't even bring out his hands to touch it. Time for the final move. She sat down and began to howl loudly. By now her father would have usually been eating out of her hands. But somehow this time he remained unmoved. "Just be at home in the afternoon Reena. I don't want any tantrums." Saying this he walked away. 

Afternoon came too fast for Reena's comfort. She spent the time in her room standing in front of the mirror, admiring and brushing her long hair for the last time. Each time she thought of it as the last time, tears would begin to form in her eyes. It just wasn't fair. She shouldn't have to pay such a heavy price for one silly mistake. Damn that Arun. Damn all stupid, fucking men!! 

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