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[图文]里纳醉剃光头Reena Got Screwed headshaves(7)

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The next day Reena woke up
作者:Screwed 来源:headshaves 日期:2011-5-28

The next day Reena woke up early, determined to change her father's mind, by hook or by crook. She put on her best clothes, put her hair in a neat bun, and went down to breakfast. She had planned her strategy carefully in her mind. She would start off with logic and then move into heavy emotions, finally relying upon her father's weakness for tears. She was determined not to let the blades of a barber within an inch of her precious hair. 

She entered the dining hall with full confidence. But as soon as she saw the grim expression on her father's face, her confidence began to falter. "Papa, about what you said yesterday. What did you exactly mean?" she said in a trembling voice. Best to get a clear idea. Maybe her father had never meant a haircut, and she was feeling afraid for nothing. 

"I meant that your long hair is a distraction for you, and a financial burden on us. Hence it must go. I have arranged for a barber to visit us in the afternoon. Make sure you are at home then. Otherwise I will make sure that I cut it personally." "But Papa, that's not fair at all. What's my fault? How can my hair be a distraction? I perform well at school. I am a good girl. I have done nothing to deserve this." She tried to argue with him. "Enough. I don't want to hear any of your arguments. When you are older you will realize the distraction it poses. Meanwhile I will ensure that it doesn't affect you." His tone would brook no argument. Reena moved into heavy emotions. "But papa, I would look terrible with short hair. Imagine, your lovely little girl with short hair. You loved my hair.

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