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[图文]安妮的头发被剪了 Anne's longhair Has to Come Off(10)

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Anne’s mother was now bald
作者:Anne 来源:longhair 时间:2011-5-25

Anne’s mother was now bald all around, and just had hair, a fraction of inch long, on the top, and the bunch for the bangs.

“She has a beautiful head shape," Anne was thinking, “and she really can wear this haircut. But I can’t."

“And now for the bangs, I don’t know if it can be done, but here I have a very special wish for me; on Anne, we’ll make it somewhat differently."

“I’m completely open to your wishes."

“I want you to shave with a razor 1-¼" inches as an undercut, so that there only remains a three quarter inch wide strip of hair for the bangs, which I want you to comb down over my brow with gel, in three exact triangles."

“Wow, that’s a really uncommon idea," Sandy said with astonishment, “I’ve never done this before, but it sounds good. I can’t wait to hear about your idea for Anne’s bangs."

“Just wait", Anne’s mother said with a grin.

Anne went with her fingers through her hair. She needed to feel it once more, as long as there still remained something. In the meantime she was feeling kind of resigned; and then she took a decision, which surprised even her. If she couldn’t avoid it, then …

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