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[图文]德国长发女Susanne Kalb长发图总汇50张

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德国长发女Susanne Kalb长发图总汇50张
作者:Susanne Kalb… 来源:德国长发女 更新:2007-12-14


Name : Susanne Kalb, geb. Orels
Place of birth : Reghin / Rumänien
Religion : Evangelist
Height : 1,65 m
Eyes color : Brown
Hair color : Darkbrown
Hair length : 1,90 m (meanwhile)
Occupation : Cosmetician
Hobbys : My hair, music listening, outgoing,
dancing, walking, swimming, cycling,
I like : My native land, nature, fruits, romantic dinner, beautyfull weather, Vacancy, ocean, summer, mountains, snow, x-mas (most with snow...), long sleeping, having bath, going to sauna, nice clothes, having fun as much as possible, nuzzling,
but most of all my daughter Maria and my boyfriend Michael
I don't like : if anyone other brushes my hair, fluffs in my hair, dishonesty, humans having no manner, empty promises for a better world, consumption of drugs and hunger that rules all over the world
My greatest wish : to visit the event of the Vienna Opera-house

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