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作者:长发女 来源:海牙 更新:2009-8-14


    I am a 22 year old IT professional and Psychology student living in The Hague. I've worked with several photographers including one on Model Mayhem: Svetlana J. a.k.a. Photofatale. I also walked some gothic fashion shows in the Netherlands and I am planning to enlarge my network worldwide. I am into fetish photography, especially uniform and kinky style. No explicit nude photography. Semi-nude is fine, if brought with elegance. I am on Model Mayhem to meet interesting people and of course to look at all the talent gathered here!

Date of Birth : 07th August 1984
Height : 171 cms
Hair Colour : Brown
Hair Length: 105 cms
Eye Colour : Blue
Body Measurements : 38 Euro
Cupsize: 75E euro
Foot Size : 39 Euro
Body Modifications : None

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