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作者:Gina 来源:剃光头 更新:2008-3-3

This has Gina2 starting with a wonderful smile and thick, straight, black hair past her shoulders.  Gina says take it all off.  We can do that.  The barber starts with the bare clippers and goes straight down the middle of Gina's head.  As he starts his work on the sides, the barber holds all of Gina's hair in his free hand.  Soon Gina's head is only stubble and the barber has a handful of Gina's hair.  He drops the hair into Gina's lap where it slides down the cape and drops to the floor.  A straight razor and shaving cream delicately remove any remaining stubble leaving Gina’s head smooth.  Gina is still smiling as she sees her new bald head in the mirror

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